
Coatings Research
By placing a thin even coating of material (paint, sealant, adhesive, etc.) on the surface very rapid environmental testing can be accomplished. UV degredation studies that may have required weeks or months on bulk samples can be completed in a day. Heat and humidity testing can also be accelerated.

Forensics: Fiber Identification
Use a roller knife to 'flatten' a fiber on the MirrIR slide. This technique is very simple and fast, and the quality of the spectra is oustanding. Multiple samples can be prepared on the same slide if desired.

Fog testing (volatile materials in polymers)
The insulating glass and automotive industries require ASTM or SAE "fog testing" for the quantity of volatile material. If the glass condensation plate is replaced by MirrIR glass the volatile components can be identified from their IR spectra. This works extremely well.

Biological imaging
One of the most important uses of MirrIR slides is in the area of imaging where the dichroic nature of the glass is used to its full advantage. Thin sections or cells grown on an MirrIR slide surface can be examined in a conventional light microscope by transmission and then scanned by IR in the reflectance mode to produce a chemical image. Many presentations and journal article describe the details of this procedure. Check out this site:patsy.hunter.cuny.edu/FandS/MD/diem.html

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