Kevley Technologies new MirrIR microscope slides reflect 95% of mid-IR radiation with no interfering absorption or mathematical corrections. Solid, liquid, organic, and inorganic materials can be applied to the surface. Multiple samples can be placed on a single slide and the samples are easy to locate on the visibly clear glass surface because materials are in high contrast to the glass. Spectra are obtained in the reflective mode with a simple focus and scan procedure. The slides are supplied 25 per box in the standard 1- X 3-in. size.

Kevley Technologies MashIR flattening tool is used for solid sample preparation. Fibers, minerals, polymers, organic and inorganic solids can be pressed flat on the slides surface by simply rolling the tool over the sample while applying hand pressure. Intimate contact with the slide surface is necessary to produce quality spectra. Diamond cell performance at a fraction of the cost and and simple preparation.